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On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 01:30:18PM +0200, Florian Effenberger wrote:
good news, everyone! Robert, Alex and I managed to install Gerrit
into a shiny new KVM based on Ubuntu 12.04, with the documentation

I just mailed directly to Björn, Norbert and David so they get
access to that VM. Further users will follow when it's productive.
This new Gerrit instance is available at right now.

I'd like to ask you three to confirm things are working as expected
and all components are installed. I assume that gitbot (not sure if
that's the right name, but I'm not talking about gerritbot) and the
buildbot plugin are missing. Please check and verify the instance is
working as expected, or send documentation for missing pieces so we
can install it.

So, I did a quick check of basic operations:

- website is working -> check
  - LibreOffice theming is missing (not mission critical)
  - gitweb is missing (not mission critical)
  - SSL cert warning
- sign in with OpenID -> check
- ssh login for git pushes -> check
- ACL/groups -> at least some groups are missing it seems
  -> I expect direct pushes to master not to work as-is (no group committers)
- buildbot -> missing it seems
- admin login on box -> failed
  - thus I cannot check if the gerritbot sending mails to the dev-list is
- I havent checked where the gerritircbot is running.

So the ACLs for the committer group seem mission critial to me.
@Norbert: Any input on that?

buildbot, gitweb, adminaccess for Bjoern (and others) to check gerritbot, check
gerritircbot, theming are the remaining things in order of importance, none of
those mission critical IMHO.




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