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On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Michael Stahl <> wrote:
the problem with the duplication is that the next time somebody fixes a
problem with the "dev-install" target they will probably forget to fix
the "install-tb" target as well, and if the problem affects tinderboxes
as well then they will remain broken.  whether that is more likely, or
whether a change to --disable-linkoo is more likely, is of course
There is one aspect we missed... install-tb does _not_ depend on the
'build' target (and no -o build did not prevent the whole shebang to
be built)
so make install-tb does just that... install.
adding --disable-linkoo would probably get around the 'divergence' in
install-tb vs dev-install but that would not be enough to provided the
needed functions.



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