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Hi Júlio,

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 20:49:57 -0300
Júlio Hoffimann
<> wrote:

The gradual migration is the only way i see to change thousand of
names. Even with regular expressions, the task is not easy to do.

There are feature branches. Absolutely no need to do this on master.

Again, painful today, amazing tomorrow.

With "today" being the next five years. Five years that are absolutely
critical for the project.
With "amazing" being absolutely not the word I would use to describe
the result (see Christians reply too).
If this would be about renaming classes with misleading names to
something that that really describes its job or something like using
the same consistent internal variable naming scheme _that_ is helping in
the long run, ok.
Unlike that, changing one proper name "com::sun::star::" to another
"libreoffice::" is only providing minor benefits, but also has major

The truth: we have fear to make big changes and this is not a good
paradigm, it turns LibreOffice just another fork and it's more than

Please dont tell me that I am afraid of changes. If you would know how
much I fought inside OOo for change, you would realize how ridiculous
that is.




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