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On Tuesday 19 of April 2011, Júlio Hoffimann wrote:
Hi Caolán,

I was thinking in the LibreOffice identity too. Renaming the namespaces
created by sun and other previous versions would help us to understand the
code, but also would make we feel in a new software, a real community
software. This is not so hard to do because C++ is powerful as we know, and
if we try to imagine the suite in the future, is not great to maintain old
names in the source, we need an identity! :-)

 It would probably help if you were more specific with your proposal. Renaming 
things in the code just because it's now called LibreOffice is probably not 
worth it (there's still enough code that has naming from the times it was 
called StarOffice). Being more specific would also (hopefully) help others to 
understand what improvement you expect from it - believe it or not, what you 
as a newcomer may find batshit insane may look perfectly normal to long time 
developers since they've simply already gotten used to it.

 If this is about those com::sun::start::whatever namespaces specifically, 
then I think it's part of the UNO interfaces and as such it needs to be kept 
for backwards compatibility for extensions.

 Lubos Lunak


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