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As this is an API issue, maybe it's an idea to create a new, cleaner,
namespace scheme first and deprecate the old way but not disable it
yet... Maybe you could think of finally removing the old namespaces
completely in LibreOffice 4 or something like that (a new mayor
version is a good moment to break API's)... This way extensions have
time to transition.

2011/4/19 Júlio Hoffimann <>:
 If this is about those com::sun::start::whatever namespaces specifically,
then I think it's part of the UNO interfaces and as such it needs to be
for backwards compatibility for extensions.

I think this is a wrong vision, this is why the code is like it is. Maintain
backwards compatibility *in this case* makes the code a mix of previous and
confusing versions, we need new compatibilities. Btw, LibreOffice was born
~one year ago, "backwards" doesn't make so much sense.
Anyway, i don't have the expertise you have, my vision is superfluous. Just
trying to help the project.
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