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Le 18/02/2013 08:06, Emir Yâsin SARI a écrit :

And monochrome icons are the ideal icon types for a possible "native" OS X interface. For that 
reason it would be logical to have a complete monochrome/flat icon set at hand.


(it's not a direct answer to you Emir, but to the whole thread)

I would like to share some few reflexions about this subject :

- the "flat/monochrome icons" subject is more about *usability* than just aesthetic ; IMHO, it's a waste of time to just want to change icons without a UI evolution.

- the endless discussion about having our own design rules or following each os rules has to be closed by the TDF.

- why is there the general assumption that color in icon is bad ?
As a user, the color is really helpful for me : i know that the "save as pdf" is the red one on the top left corner (ok, it's just my only opinion so it's not an argument)

- when you compare with Thunderbird, look how many icon are in the default toolbar ? 6 plus the new "menu icon" at the far right.
most important, these 6 icons have a label.

- how many icons in LO ? ~40

- we should also take care of the size of icons : it changes a lot the perception of icons

- As a jqueryUI user, I found a theme preview with icon preview :
in the left column, select "gallery" then the "flick" theme.
Then scroll the page to discover the list of icons.
There are monochrome/flat. If it was a real toolbar, would you be a happy user ?

- In the wordpress editor too, they use monochrome icons. As a user, it slows my workflow because I have to really precisely search/look/select the icon I want (again a personal feed-back).

- Such a subject is very important and should be handled very carefully.
We need to follow a standard and professional way of doing :
   - collect proposals
   - create prototypes
   - test prototypes by real users
- iterate until a prototype has a very high feed-back (we'll never have 100% positive feed-back)
   - only then, integrate the new icon set in a public release.

LibreOffice has *millions* of users and they expect a lot. We have to release new UI only if it has been strongly tested and validated. We can't consider users as early testers because it's not their job.


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