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It's not that much different, click home or click menu > home. Wow what a
pain that was I had to tap twice.

It is a bother, because you're not used to it. It's as if clicking the
"Maximize" button on a window in LibreOffice gave you a menu every time,
with one of the items in the menu being "Maximize". It's bothersome to have
to tap twice when in every other app you just tap once.

its not not going to bother people

First Window$ has that to. Second windows has had many many yeas to
things into users minds. These tablets have not even been out an entire
decade. Who knows google may even change the HIG to this new way of
navigating. Some apps have already adopted the Facebook menu and I think
many more will and soon that will not be so alien.

The HIG is there for a reason -- to maintain consistency across the
platform. Android's HIG has been released only recently and not all app
developers have had time to adjust their UIs to it. That doesn't mean we
should respect it. If app developers choose not to respect it, Android
will be a mess of
different UIs.

On the Mac, all apps have menubars at the top. On Windows, they have them
below the title bar. There are advantages to both. In order to maintain
consistency, LibreOffice has menubars below the title bar on Windows and at
the top of the screen on the Mac. Think how annoying it would be if
LibreOffice put your menus below the titlebar on the Mac when every other
app has them at the top of the screen.

this is still completely different, tablet and phone OS's have not been out
very long(this includes Android, iOS, blackberry, webOS all of them) there
is no best way to do things and things will change all the time till
everyone(not Google and apple but the app developers) decide how we are
going to do things.

the iOS just stole Androids notification menu, Android just stole the
webOS's multitasking menu. Im sure that every one is taking ideas form
everyone and things are going to change.

Facebook once did have a home screen and it was horrible.

Then they designed it badly.

the side bar or the home screen?

Frankly, the Facebook sidebar could be easily turned into a separate screen

thats what I said, everything in the home screen is now in the side bar and
much, much more.,r:0,s:0,i:78&tx=39&ty=78

-- it wouldn't be that different The Google+ app has a homescreen. It's
especially awesome on its new iOS release (
soon to Android as well).

this link shows nothing?

does the "Home" button in this picture switch to the second screen?

then they once again do not follow their own HIG.

Because of that, it's acceptable (though not ideal) that Facebook uses
this sidebar

I think it was the best solution.

However, LibreOffice does have a true homescreeen, a true overview --
file manager. And that's the screen the Up button should go to.

Are you talking about the phones back arrow or the home button? Because
up button sounds weird.

yes Iv seen this many many times. you post it every time we talk anything
Android. its quite confusing as well, the "Home" or "UP" button does not
always go to the HOME page.

"You have the ability to make the Up behavior even smarter based on your
knowledge of detail view. Extending the Play Store example from above,
imagine the user has navigated from the last Book viewed to the details for
the Movie adaptation. In that case, Up can return to a container (Movies)
which the user hasn't previously navigated through."

that would confuse me only every time it happens. especially seance it
would not happen much.

The file manager shouldn't take any longer to load. The buttons on it
should load immediately and the thumbnails of documents should load

Yah it shouldn't bit most likely ummm will... Even if you make it work
way you say.

It will take exactly the same time to load if the thumbnails aren't loaded
up front.

then why does it even matter.

That's actually the worst part -- the user wouldn't know where to look
his tools.
If we follow the HIG, then every button has its rightful place and the
knows where to look for it.

Ok out of all my apps on my phone only tree of them had some kind of
overflow menu. One being gmail witch is one of nine google applications.
I'm not sure how much users are used to looking in the overflow menu.
you tell me of some apps that you have that uses them.

You probably have a phone with a hardware menu button. In that case, you
don't see the overflow menu. Or maybe you don't have Ice Cream Sandwich
The overflow should be present in all 9 apps from Google.

I has Ice Cream Sadwich and a phone that has a hardware menu button.

yes to get to the file browser it would take one tap of ether the home
button or the back/up arrow and the app would still use that to
but it would still take two taps and load time to get to "new" and
"templates". thats more time then two taps.

As I said, the load time would be the same. Thumbnails would load after
screen and its buttons.

I know how this would work and I still think an application like ours
take longer to load then you think or users want. Especially when the
have many files.

It doesn't matter how many files the user has. The file list will load
after the screen and action bars are loaded.

ok what ever.

you say that these should be in the overflow menu because thats where
are on the desktop because thats where they have always been on the
desktop, but IMHO these options should not be there on the desktop.
table and phone this is stupid to place them there. the split button
also be a document menu like in your citrus UI, a place where people
expect to find these items. when I think of tool bar I think it
things like tools to work on a new document, not things I should be
to a finished document.

That's where they belong on Android, not on the desktop.
They're not in the toolbar, they're in the overflow menu, which is
appropriate for actions done to a finished document.
And these actions certainly don't fit in a navigation bar.

I think I may have been thinking Bout a different overflow menu, ether
I don't think it make much since.

Sorry, I don't understand this.

our app has its own overflow menus in the tool bar and you say it will also
have one at the end for users that do not  have the hardware menu button.

And here they would be accessed with two taps as well. "Options"
belongs in
the overflow menu as well -- two taps.

again why should this be in the overflow menu, because its there on
desktop, that is not a reason for it to be there.

Because it's there in every other Android app, and the user knows to
for it there.

I don't know of many apps that use it so give me some examples.

All of the default apps, Google+, Boid, Firefox, Chrome, Google Drive, etc.
Take a look at the website where a lot of other
apps are listed.

ok, they say that this is how Facebook should have been.

so here you only have Events, Photos, Friends, and Groups. where as now the
have all those AND the ability to go to News Feeds, Messages, Nearby,
Notes, a specificity group or see all groups, Apps, pages, list such as
close friends then see all, account, and help center.

id much more prefer that then just then just the four.

why don't we need an about item. and again it should not be in the
menu. by this time the overflow menu (while for OVERFOW) is way
and has too much in there.

That's why we don't need an about item -- it's an unnecessary dialog,
we already have too many commands.

Ok I was thinking the toolbar overflow and the application overflow was
same overflow witch having it there would be too many options.

How so?
Remember that contextual actions would be shown as a contextual action bar,
and therefore contextual actions (like text formatting) and non-contextual
actions (search, save, print) don't mix.

I miss understood what overflow you were talking about.

but we certainly don't want a "Close" item.

yes we most certainly do my good friend, just hitting the home menu
phone keys or back arrow a few time does not close the app, and its
good thing to keep apps open useing all our users resources. when I
want to
close an app I want to do it in the app not some other app. also
reason  this is in there is think about how you can close the desktop
you have clicking the "X,red circal" clicking file > Exit, and you
ctrl+W or Q. there needs to be many ways to do some things. yes some
these things could just be placed in the apps menu dialog when the
hits the phones menu key, but some people do not know that you can do
all the time, some apps you can not do that all the time.

On Android, you can hit the "multitask" button (it's the third system
button) to see all the running apps and swipe them away to close them.

That's the standard way of doing it on Android, and that's why no
application (except perhaps a few shotty ones) features a "Close"

On my phone Pandora, two irc clients, att navigator, car panel, dock
has button , pocket band, and radiou has button, all have exit menus or

These are old designs back from times when there was no easy way to quit
apps. It's a remain of the pre-Holo era, not something we want to follow.

the side bar is not only a navigation tool but like the file menu and
more. I was not sure what to place in each screen but all I was
show is that the menu is contextual depending on what screen you are
in. we
would need to figure out what all belongs in there.

I feel like this sidebar would frustrate users more than if we follow
HIG. I still don't see a single advantage of it -- as I demonstrated,
accessing its buttons would be just as slow if not slower as if we used
UI elements in the HIG.

have you seen how fast the side menu pops out. You make it seem like
creating a new document would be like
tap...............................tap, when it would be more like
or tap tap it the get used to it.

Again, opening the overview wouldn't be slower. The user would also be used
to the new buttons always being on the bottom of the screen, and therefore
could push them faster (whereas they're harder to target in the menu).

how so?

Opening a different document would be much slower.
On the contrary -- this sidebar would be frustrating for users that are
used to the Android platform.

I don't think this menu is frustrating at all. If we can get some better
examples in it I think you would see the benefit. It would be more
beneficial when editing a document then in the manager or viewer. But
we are one shipping these views right now that's all I did.

I don't understand the last sentence.

we are not going to have the full blown writer just a document viewer for


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