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Hi Nik, all!

Am Sonntag, den 23.10.2011, 13:31 +1100 schrieb Nik:
And on a personal note, all of this constant emphasis on donation is 
really starting to change my impression of LibO. A LOT! We went from
philosophy-driven endeavour which emphasised its focus on freedom
speech AND expense) which rarely requested money.... to a seemingly 
money-hungry enterprise that wants more donations - more donations - 
Ah, very good point ... thanks for the reminder. Of course, the
donations are currently "just" required to pay for the infrastructure
etc. So yes, it might make more sense to explain people what the overall
project is about and how they can contribute to support us. From OOo
experience we know, that some people chose it because they want to
contribute, but don't know how / don't want to spend time.

So, refining the tasks list ... open for discussion, of course.

Interest of the people approaching the page:
     1. Getting extensions / templates ... so users should get an
        initial idea (so showing e.g. the most recent or best rated
        items -> from here, people should be able to get further
     2. Getting help how to install Extensions (currently it is still
        manual work, so we have to help here)
     3. Making it possible to "forward" information / templates to other
        people (use case: advanced user "helps" less experienced person
        to find what he might need)
     4. Upload their own content (this needs refinement as well ...)

The interest of the LibreOffice community:
     A. Getting information about LibreOffice (to know that this is an
        official page, to get information about "us" if the user
        approaches the page by accident)
     B. Ask for joining the community / supporting LibO (e.g. spreading
        the word, joining the community as explained on our "Get
        Involved" on the main page).

Comments? Ideas? I hope the list helps us to keep focus when it comes to
the content design.

I searched a bit how the "old" page was designed, maybe some bits and
pieces are helpful:

A bit crowded when it comes to the Template Preview. However ...


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