Hi, all new friends,
I agree with Nik. On the other hand, I'm very impressed with he work that
has been done in such a short time.
I'm new here and I've followed this mailing list for a while to get an idea
of how the collaboration is done.
A short presentation:
I'm a designer and project manager. I work on Mac, Windows and Linux, but my
major platform is design. I've never participated in open source development
before, but I've worked with open source scripts/programs in many projects
for years.
i would be happy if a can contribute and help.
In my opinion when the Community branding /does/ arrive, it should be a
MAJOR OVERHAUL. Not just a /slight change/ to the existing logo's
composition. This logo was made for The Document Foundation, where a
"document" makes sense as a logo, but LibreOffice is a SUITE of software,
not just a document. The Community logo should take that step and address
this issue. (maybe bad example, but MSO's "flower" is a symbol of the 4 main
applications comprising that suite, not trying to turn us into them, just
saying that by comparison we seem to be "missing the bigger picture"
For the mean time, the document will do, but that doesn't mean to say that
the logo, exactly as it was originally created, should remain unchanged
until the Community Branding arrives does it?
Because that is a long way away. Ohhhhhh, I argue for this but I don't know
if it means anything to anyone else. If I'm the only one that sees it this
way I'll stop and turn my attention elsewhere.
Branding is important to me, but I know it's not the only thing we do.
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- Re: Banner ( was: Re: [libreoffice-design] Logo proposal without TDF line ) (continued)
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