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Le jeudi 15 décembre 2011 à 10:37 -0500, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions a écrit :
One issue I have is that they claim MSO's format is the International 
Standard.  [clip]
Perhaps there would have been less confusion had that second paragraph
in the H Open article had started, "Of the two ISO document
standards..." The full phrase would then have read, "Of the two ISO
document standards, OOXML is the ISO standard for office documents that
is predominantly supported by Microsoft;..." When read fully, I do not
see the full sentence as stating that OOXML is THE standard, but rather
it's being the one "predominantly supported by Microsoft". Personally, I
would have written "only supported by Microsoft", but that's only an

Then too, in addition to reading the H Open article, I did find the pdf
of Dr. Matthias Stürmer's presentation to to Paris 2011 quite
informative (and no mention of OOXML as THE standard).

Again, personally, I would like to see quality opening and displaying of
OOXML by LibO but I'm not really on board for saving documents in that
format. Still, I do understand the reasons for the project and wish them


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