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Le 2011-05-20 07:10, drew a écrit :

I think you are are assuming that the globe is staying on the bottom - I
much  prefer it on top. Then again I'm not going to sweat it either.



Actually, I do like the globe at the top. The extra white space gives it 
more breathing room.
I guess it all boils down to our philosophy. Do we want to promote the 
suite at all times with the LibreOffice banner at the top or do we want 
to promote the "NA globe" icon first and then the LibreOffice banner.
I would prefer the first option of protecting the LibreOffice brand 
first and then the secondary position going to the group icon/banners. 
This would prevent the impression that national/language groups are more 
important than the whole of the LibreOffice membership. To me, this 
underlines the fact that the language groups are working within the 
limits/approval of the LibreOffice group.
Is there anyway that we could try another version of the temp1.png 
version (temp3.png) with a smaller motif/scatter at the top and trying 
to give the banner, text and globe a little more space?
BTW ... I like the look of the square brackets and parentheses in the 
text. Are you following some sort of formatting system for this? It 
looks and reads really well.


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