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I already know how to make it work in a wiki. My point was that others
probably want to mash it up w/ other stuff. I think that's easier to do
(i.e. experiment) outside the wiki environment. But, I could be wrong.
However, now that I think of it, the specific CSS for the <pre> tag may
be an issue in the wiki environment. I think I'll take a look at that.


I don't think anyone is going to want to put this any place other then a
wiki page for the moment - but trust me I'm wrong a lot..*smile*..more
so since losing my super hero mind reading powers.

Alright being serious again, Excellent - well, make the wiki page look
like what you have in your minds eye and let's have others look at see
if they are good with making it available.

It's a wiki, so you don't have to be the only one to add the dry text
stuff - like you may do this and not do that with the logo..that will
find it's way there.



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