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Can you give me your opinion of my newly redone

Dave Johnson, USNFR
(619) 335-5314
(619) 335-5314Dave Johnson DUNS number: 826989779

"Please do not send me Microsoft Office/Apple iWork documents. Send OpenDocument instead!"; 

On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:17 PM, drew wrote:

On Tue, 2011-01-11 at 16:49 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
having a set of logos available for public use in support of 
LibreOffice. Such a logo could be added to a website supportive of
LibreOffice project and it would point back to the LibreOffice site 

sorry missed that point.

Ah - we already have one, a logo png, on the wiki page. It's big.

It would nice perhaps to have a link back entry, just some html they
could paste into a page and we feed the graphic, smaller in size as the
one available is  500 px wide, and the link back to our site.

One can just deliver the same wide logo but have a few different html
snippets (with an example usually) available where each sizes the logo. 

[extra points for js and a button that puts the html to the users

We need to be sure this is how folks want it, that our site dishes up
the graphic - most likely so.

It isn't really a SC issue IMO - if someone wants to do it, just put it
together and an email to let everyone know and give them a chance to

So - if someone just wants to take that on - go for it, just do it with
notices in the mailing lists, be open for suggestions and it works out.



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