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On 04/17/2013 07:09 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

thanks for the feedback!

Marc Paré wrote on 2013-04-17 22:13:

I have to say that I am not experiencing any of this at all! I am on:

FF ESR 17.0.5

This sounds more like a result of the newest updates and security
options in FF[1] that may be triggering this behaviour.

You may want to read the description of these options and see if the
behaviour is similar to their descriptions.

hmmm... can Tim maybe try using a default profile, if it does the same thing then, or if it's a specific security setting he made?


In Extensions - there is an "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 2.6"
I have no non-default security options enabled right now.
There is noplug-ins or extensions that have anything to do with security.

I only noticed the "allow" button coming into play for the LO site when there was a start of the redirection to the donation page with the "standard" downloading pages. I never used the main download page[s] since it was much easier for me to use the "download-more" page when downloading all of the needed files for a DVD install version update.

I never saw it with any of the download from the wiki pages.

So I do not remember when it came about with any other non-LO related site. "I know that the Ubuntu Foxfire. . . " is dated for November.

So, it could be some Ubuntu specific issues with FF or some non-changeable option for the security of FF.

You safe-mode option via the terminal still gave me the same "allow" button.

I have disabled every extension and add on that I can, but I still get it.

I wonder if any other Ubuntu user is getting the same message. I will have to try an older machine with an older install of Ubuntu.

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