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Hi Joel,

Joel Madero píše v St 13. 03. 2013 v 11:06 -0700:


Marc has already agreed to take this on :) He just needs some guidance
and we need to further develop what our certificate program is for. Is
it just to announce "super trusted devs" or is it to encourage growth
in our support base (paid) for corporations or for individuals?

Yes, so - we are seeing requests from companies who are able to do L1
and L2 support who ask "what to do when there are problems that need
code changes"?  This page should help them to choose a company or an
individual who has the knowledge to provide them with such a thing - ie.
the answer to the above question should be "choose one of those
individual Certified Developers, or a company who employs (a) Certified

Similarly for NRE / contract work - "if you want a feature in
LibreOffice, you can be assured that if a Certified Developer is
involved, it will be done".

 Are we encouraging more hourly work or looking at long term contracts
with big libreoffice organizations?

Not sure I understand the question?  My goal personally is to build
trust that we (TDF) take business seriously, and even though TDF does
not do development itself (ie. cannot be contracted), it has a way to
distinguish between random contracting company who promises anything
(and delivers or not), and somebody (individual or a company) who has a
record of delivering and playing nicely according to the LO / TDF rules.

Does it help, please? :-)

All the best,

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