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Hi Volker,

Le 2012-10-05 04:47, Volker Merschmann a écrit :

I don't think so.

The wiki is not intended to provide information to the wide public,
but as a working tool and pinboard for the contributors inside the
Many of them are able to use the wiki-syntax which is not that hard to
learn and well documented around the web.
So I do not think a WYSIWYG is mandantory for it. (We have seen some
really bad editings with the old one....)

Silverstripe on the other hand is equipped with a WYSIWYG-editor and I
think this is very helpful there to attract people to work on the


On the contrary, if the wiki provided access to wide public it would fit in well with our philosophy of meritocratic involvement for all. Where we fall short in this is our lack of contributor-wiki-site maintainers. These are the people who make sure that the documentation on our wiki pages maintain the change in content.

As there is no WYSIWYG available for our wiki-documentors, we drastically reduce the chances of our "users" to make the jump to becoming contributors. The very nature of our projects makes it that the "type" of users we attract are those interested in a WYSIWYG product. Of those users, presumably, we could attract a certain percentage to help out on the maintenance of the wiki-documentation. But the jump to this is made more difficult by not having the WYSIWYG.

If you take a close look at all of the wiki sections, it doesn't take long to realize that all of the parts of the wiki are in dire need of updating. What we lack is help for the upkeep. The development of the code is being done at "break-neck" speed and, the wiki pages need to keep up. We need a wiki system (or other system) where there is just a very small learning curve to join for our potential wiki contributors.

We have to start thinking of "contributors" as including those who contribute to the maintenance/upkeep of the wiki pages. These people are contributors necessary to the project -- we just don't have enough of them. Note that all of these problems are, to a certain degree, worse on the NL teams where there is already a smaller pool of people to attract to the project.



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