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Hi Charles, *,

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
<> wrote:
Le Tue, 24 May 2011 18:04:01 +0200,
Christian Lohmaier <> a écrit :
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Charles-H. Schulz
<> wrote:
Le Tue, 24 May 2011 17:07:14 +0200,
Christian Lohmaier <> a écrit :
ok, thanks, that's already good.  Reading it though, we could do
something simpler.
Just state what you want - it's fairly easy to adapt if you're not
requesting non-standard fields out of a sudden :-)

Basically we could either skip the upload of files
(we only want abstracts) or skip the form part where it asks for the
title and abstract and only collect the document with the information
filled by the applicant. What do you think?
I have no opinion on that - as I have not been part of previous
organization so I don't know the important parts/what people prefer.
But my gut feeling is that having the submitters provide an abstract
is a good way of saving some time guessing what a talk is about :-)
(also the text-data can be exported to cvs and thus reused, whereas
when having to look into an attachment, the reviewer has to come up
with an abstract).

It is entirely up to us which fields we require and what fields we
label as optional.

So then what alias or explicit addresses shall incoming messages be
sent to? You have the choice between full notification (i.e.
including all the form data, including the attachment), or just
"there has been a submission" type notification (where you have to go
to the Submissions tab within the CMS to see what has been submitted)
Something like "" or even, rather
something like: devtrackcfp_2011@documentfoundation , then
Ah, that's unfortunately not possible (I guess) - while it is possible
to choose email-form fields as recipient (for example to send a
confirmation email to the submitting user right away), I'm not sure
how that would work out with the radiobuttons (but if that is high on
your wishlist, I'll look into the code/think about it)

etc. do that each abstract gets
channeled from the onset in tracks. This is turn allows the review
community to have an easier sorting job.

As for the form I think having a full notification might be good, again
for sorting purposes.
You can have any number of notifications, so you can send just the
notifications to one set, and full data to another set of addresses.

Thanks for the feedback,


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