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Hi Keith,

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 5:36 AM, Keith Williams
<> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:52 AM, Christian Lohmaier < <>>wrote:

Look Christian, I don't use email to communicate with groups of people.
That's probably the reason why you keep writing the same stuff over
and over again.

use comments on discussion boards.   I really don't know what you mean full
quotes and frankly at this point I don't care.
Do I want to collaborate with you with that attitude? Probably not.

*Show me a sophisticated website based on Silverstripe, you can't because
there isn't.*
There is, just look at the work the people had
prepared, but again: That is not the question here.

Is the Drupal demo that we setup perfect... NO.  Did it let people jump in
and use it YES.
Did drupal advocates here on the list turn it into a usable site yet? NO.

 Is Drupal proven to provide community building YES.
that doesn't matter if it doesn't work for us.
And that is all that counts.

Right now you have a Drupal demo site, so people can do what they want, so
it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.   Would this be your Production
system NO. You have no argument for using Silverstripe other than it does
the bare minimum of the requirements
Not the bare minimum. It does /all/ that it is supposed to do.

and it's so limited that you can't do
much with it beyond posting pages, so you can't screw it up.
Noone so far posted a requirement that would not be possible to do
with silverstripe.

Even you admit
that Drupal can do a lot, its obvious, proven, demonstrated, and certified
on 100k+ websites that use it.
Again I'm tired of that bullshit argument. You /failed/ in
demonstrating your knowledge, the flexibility of drupal with the demo.

You had a big chance to show off, but you didn't. You (and that
doesn't only mean Keith), produced a site I can only laugh about. It's
so sad that it is funny again.

If you guys were in this with someone that didn't know Drupal inside and
out, I'd tell you to use the stripe.  But, I'm going to help you and thats
not a small commitment.  YOu have known Silverstripe for a few weeks at
best, so lets just lay it on the table buddy...
Well, despite the nice works, nothing worth to demonstrate has been created.

Yes, I don't know silverstripe for long, but I know it long enough to
like it, to have created a site that people want to use for a
production site.
"lay that on the table buddy" - what did you achieve with the drupal demo yet?

I know virtually every aspect of Drupal from performance optimization,
Yes, you're so smart, yes you fail to apply your knowledge.

module development to theming.  I AM able to quickly setup your website to
do what you need
You might be, but you're not willing to do so. Maybe when I'd hire you
and pay yout, but so far you only talk big.

[..]  Do you have someone around here with years of experience
with Silverstripe?
No. Does it need years of experience to create modules, additional
features for silverstripe: No.
Go figure.

You seem very angry
yes, because I always write the same stuff over and over again, and
you just don't listen.

and unable to come up with any positive features of
Silverstripe other than its simple and does the bare minimum of your CMS
What other positive aspects does a CMS need to fulfill apart from:
* Does /everything/ one wants it to do
* Is easy to use
* Is easy to administer

 At first I wanted to defend Drupal against silverstripe, but
really... I don't need to defend a CMS used and loved by hundreds of
thousands of people and one that may be the largest open source project on
the planet.
Yes, you did all you can do to destroy drupal's reputation it had with
me with the demo. Wouldn't it for the large drupal userbase (number of
installations), I'd never had let it progrss so far.

I don't need to defend a CMS that I can build almost any web
based application with.
blablablablabla. Yes, you can do anything, but you just don't do it.
And that's the problem.

You write the same stuff in every mail. Instead of wasting the time
writing mails, you should configure the drupal demo properly to do
drupal justice.

I don't know whether you're aware as to what picture you're now
painting of both drupal users/defenders as well as drupal the system

[...]  I want a
system that when I click a button on the admin screen it doesn't show a
loading screen because it's so UI heavy that it can't load in a reasonable
amount of time.
Yeah, that fraction of a second you see that screen when you switch to
a completely different part of the interface surly impacts your
productivity more than the full seconds it takes navigating to that
other part of the cms in drupal. yeah, right...


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