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I am running LibreOffice (newest version:
on my old MacBook Pro (X86_64) / Ventura macOS 13.7.3;

Select MacOS (Intel)
Start download
When ready: Dubbelclick the downloaded .dmg file
Drag the libreoffice icon to the applications folder.

You should be ready to go!


Op 13 feb. 2025, om 13:42 heeft Andrew Pitonyak <> het volgende geschreven:

Understand. I know almost nothing at all about Mac computers, but, I was not aware that you had 
to pay for any version of LibreOffice. 

Both libre office and open office came from the same place and are very much compatible. So if 
you are able to install LibreOffice no. Should just be able to keep working as usual.

My best guess is that if you're not finding a free version of LibreOffice that your computer is 
very old and no longer supported, but every part of that is speculation.

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On Feb 13, 2025, 4:38 AM, at 4:38 AM, D RIGHT TEMP HEATING & AIR <> wrote:
Dear sir/Madam

I am an owner/operator of a small heating and air conditioning
business. I only have one employee and no secretary. i am a one man
For the past fifteen years plus, I have been using in
conjunction with Billings for preparing my HVAC proposals.
Approximately two weeks ago both programs stopped working. I found out
both programs are no longer supported and cannot be updated.
Approximately one week ago I contacted Apple support since my computer
is an I mac. Apple support recommended I upgrade the operating system
from Mojave to Ventura and told me this should fix the problem. The
operating system was upgraded but the issue with both apps was not
resolved. I contacted Apple support again and they did not offer
assistance or options to resolve the issue.
In the meantime,  I have several customers waiting for the proposals
for HVAC equipment replacement and I am losing those potential
customers every day because I cannot provide them with the promised job
Upon searching the internet, I found BillingsPro who created their
program very similar to my Billings app. I contacted their technical
support and they offered to migrate my existing Billings customer data
to their BillingsPro app for a fee of $25.00. They gave me instructions
on how to compress my billings files. I submitted the compressed files
and they were able to migrate my exiting customer data from the old
Billings to the present Billings Pro.

Upon further searching the internet I found LibreOffice. The
information contained state LibreOffice was developed very similar to
the old OpenOffice .org app. Please keep in mind my computer knowledge
is very limited. My questions to you are:

1     Is LibreOffice compatible with my old
2     If it is compatible, I am asking your technical support team to
migrate my existing customer data to Libre Office. I
will email the compressed zip files and I am willing to pay for
      these services.
3     According to the literature I read LibreOffice is free. However
om my Imac LibreOffice is described as an open Source Office Suite and
it costs $8.99. I rather pay the $8.99 to make sure is       recognized
by Imac
4     Because my computer knowledge is very limited, attempting to
migrate my old customer data to the new LibreOffice will
be a disaster and will only complicate and delay       resolving this
issue and i will continue to lose jobs.

Your assistance and prompt response will be greatly appreciated. You
are welcome to contact me via email or via phone. My business and cell
phone numbers are listed below,

Enrique W Martinez
D Right Temp Heating & Air
License #970437

831-475-1785 Main
831-246-0252 Cell

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