On 2/13/25 04:25, D RIGHT TEMP HEATING & AIR wrote:
1 Is LibreOffice compatible with my old OpenOffice.org
2 If it is compatible, I am asking your technical support team to migrate my existing
OpenOffice.org customer data to Libre Office.
Did you just try to open them as they are?
If so, what was the problem that showed up?
3 According to the literature I read LibreOffice is free. However om my Imac LibreOffice is
described as an open Source Office Suite and it costs $8.99. I rather pay the $8.99 to make sure is
recognized by Imac
I guess you are looking for it in App Store?
Just download it for free from https://www.libreoffice.org/.
You shouldn't incur in any "recognizing" problem.
4 Because my computer knowledge is very limited, attempting to migrate my old OpenOffice.org
customer data to the new LibreOffice will be a disaster and will only complicate and delay
resolving this issue and i will continue to lose jobs.
See above.
I don't know what format your "data" is, but you'll probably be able to
just open it as you did before.
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