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On 24/07/2023 17:39, Paul D. Mirowsky wrote:
Just out of curiosity, at any time did you receive a "Confirm File Format" window and unchecked the "Ask when not saving in ODF or default format" dialog?

An error in this function might react oddly, even though unlikely.

The "Confirm File Format" window only (and always) pops up when a non-odf format is picked from the drop-down box in the 'Save As' dialogue. "Ask when not saving in ODF..." is set in the LO options and re-appears (set) in the "Confirm format" window.

The odd thing today is that on this machine at least, I can't provoke the erroneous behaviour... I must have just clicked "Save As" 30 or more times, and all works perfectly. Would fail regularly when I last posted. The machine has just been rebooted though... surely that can't affect things!

Thanks to you and to all for comments.

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England

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