Using LO Writer
While I was having the recent difficulty with getting graphics to stick in a template, I prepared a
short document copy/pasting header and footer graphics into a Writer document as I went along.
During this work, there was a moment when adjusting the position of a footer graphic on the page,
the graphic disappeared completely. I had no idea why or where it had gone and just supposed I had
slipped and clicked in a wrong place.
When the document was finished, I exported to pdf to check that the hyperlinks in the footer
graphics were working as they should. To my surprise, I found in the pdf, right in the centre of a
single page, an upside down hyperlink that also worked ok. It was a text box from the graphic I had
This corruption was not visible in the Writer odt document, only in the pdf. Deleting the page only
made the corruption appear on the next one. Being invisible in Writer, I couldn't find any way to
remove it.
My workaround was to prepare a new document and copy /paste the corrupted one into the new with
frequent checks to make sure the corruption didn't get copied over.
Has anyone come across this sort of effect? Is there a way to get such a graphic element to be
visible in Writer?
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- [libreoffice-users] disappearing graphic caused corruption in document in Writer · Philip Jackson
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