At 12:42 17/09/2017 -0600, Ken Springer wrote:
I've been trying to find a way to easily create a table that starts at the top margin, ends at the bottom margin, with all rows the same height, and not create a blank page at the end of the document. Can this be done?
As has been said, there appears to be no way to avoid an empty paragraph after the table - appearing either on the same page or a following one. But you can change the font size of this empty paragraph so as to minimise its impact. Note that, even though the smallest value provided in the Font Size drop-down menu is 6 pt, you can enter smaller values - as small as 2 pt - by typing into the Font Size box. Two points is pretty invisible.
If you want to be really precise, you could modify the bottom margin on any such page so that the last table row finishes where the bottom margin would have been without the rogue empty paragraph.
I trust this helps. Brian Barker -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted