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Hi, Rémy,

While this works if all you need is the table, my purpose was to have a table that would overlay a particular label, the Avery #18294. Which would require more steps than your table requires.

Assuming the page is preset for the correct margins, the #18294 table would require 7 columns, of which 4 columns have one width, and 3 would require a different width, with the frame anchored to the upper left corner margin. So you would enter the width of each column manually.

I would ask myself, why would I want to go to all that work just to use LO to accomplish the task, when all that work is automatically done by the Avery software? <G>

The Avery software also lets you save your labels as a PDF file. I've not experimented, but if you had a table to create, and there was a label layout that met your needs, maybe you could enter the data into Avery software, save as a PDF, then import the PDF into your LO document.

If the info in the table would need to be updated fairly regularly, the Avery option might not be the best solution.

I do know there are a couple other label product numbers that have the same size and layout of the labels, but the problem would still exist there. Two-thirds of a inch is two-thirds of an inch.

It's all about knowing the software available, and what you can do with the software on the computer, in order to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

On 9/19/17 5:33 PM, Remy Gauthier wrote:
Hi again,
I don't know if this works for the Avery pre-cut labels #18294, but I
was able to get the layout I was looking for like this and, added
advantage, LO does the sizing for me:
1) Insert a frame, anchored to the page2) Place the frame in the center
of the page, at so many inches, cm, points from the top of the page3)
Insert a 1 row, 1 column table in the frame4) Set the row height to 10
inches5) Set the column width to 7 inches6) Reset the position of the
frame to have it sit at the correct place on the page7) Split the table
vertically into 4 columns8) Split the table horizontally into 15 rows
in equal proportions
I hope this helps.

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