On Mon, 18 Sep 2017 16:01:06 -0600
Ken Springer <snowshed1@q.com> wrote:
This is what I am trying to do, create a page of labels to fit Avery
label #18294.
LO's label creation cannot create a page for Avery letter sized
labels, #18294. But neither can MS Word for Mac 2011 and Softmaker
Office 2016 for Windows. Printing on the label slowly moves lower on
each label and you get closer to the bottom of the page. Or it moves
up on the label.
Why does it do this? I think it's because you cannot enter the
correct size for the height of the label. In all 3 programs you can
only enter .66" or .67" for the height. But neither number is
correct. The actual size of the label is two-thirds of an inch, a
repeating decimal to infinity, I.E. .66666666666666666 with 6's
going on forever. So, if the programmers formulas for calculating
height is limited to 2 decimal places, there is no option but to have
a built-in error.
If you select points as the measurement unit for the document then
two-thirds of an inch is exactly 48 points and you can enter that when
sizing row heights.
It looks like it works on screen but I've no idea whether it prints
HTH, Dave
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