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Hi Jorge,

jorge Rodríguez schrieb:
Hi Regina and Brian:

        Thanks for your answer. Excuse me because I haven't been clear
with my explanation.

        Below you can find a link to access a file were I draw manually
the graph that I need to do:

That is clear now.

Make your entries in the sheet like this:

A       U
Line 1
13680   0
0       1.37
Line 2
14000   0
0       1.31

Mark the range from "Line 1" to "1.37" and generate an XY-Chart. At step 3 in the wizard click on button Add. Now go through the roles in the top, right part "Data Ranges" and enter the range in the field "Range for ...". You can minimize the dialog and click on the cell.

In case you have entered the data starting in cell A1, you would get for Line 1

Name $A$2
X-Values $Sheet1.$A$3:$A$4
Y-Values $Sheet1.$B$3:$B$4

and for Line 2
Name $A$5
X-Values $Sheet1.$A$6:$A$7
Y-Values $Sheet1.$B$6:$B$7

You should enable all kind of grid and reduce the line width of the data series. That makes it easier to estimate the intersect values.

I would not do it in Calc, but I would do it in GeoGebra, where you can construct the interaction point and get the coordinates directly. In contrast to a TI-nSpire or similar, GeoGebra is free, see

Kind regards

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