Hi Regina and Brian:
Thanks for your answer. Excuse me because I haven't been clear
with my explanation.
Below you can find a link to access a file were I draw manually
the graph that I need to do:
Jorge Rodríguez
El 28/08/2017 a las 17:40, Brian Barker escribió:
At 17:05 28/08/2017 -0600, Jorge Rodríguez wrote:
I have this set of data:
1.37 13680
1.31 14000
I've tried to graph these data that show two lines, first 1.37 with
13680 and 1.31 with 14000, in the same graph.
Sorry, but this makes no sense. Each pair of value here defines a
point, not a line. There are an infinity of lines that you can draw
through any point, having all possible gradients.You need at least two
points to define a line, and then only on the assumption that the line
is straight.
I want that the graph show where the lines intersect.
The infinity of possible lines through each of your two points
intersect in a infinity of places. The question is not well enough
defined to be answered. From your knowledge if the quantities that you
are plotting, could you assume that both graphs go through the origin,
(0,0)? If so, you could include these points and create two lines. But
the answer to your query would then be trivial: the lines cross at (0,0)!
And I prefer that A go in X axis and U in Y axis.
That's easy: just reverse the order of your columns of data. It is
very easy to move or copy data.
I couldn't do it yet. I put the data in some orders but I can get the
That's because - with only one point in each set of data - there is no
graph to get.
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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