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Il 14/08/2017 06:16, Tim-L--Elmira-NY ha scritto:

I am just MAD at my ASUS X751S laptop.

Windows updated itself to a newer version of Windows 10. That, again, dumped the GRUB system to be able to boot to Ubuntu-MATE 16.04LTS. I have been trying to get it working for over 14 hours.

Virtualize windows and solve your problem :)

First, from past experiences, It took awhile to get it to boot again from the DVD drive. Then I use a Live CD to partition the 1.0 TB drive. Currently it is trying my next try.

Windows did not like having 1 TB as a single drive. Then I made a small FAT32 partition before a 250GB Windows partition. Windows finally installed.

Next I had to work with the remaining space into 3 partitions, creating the following - "/", "/home", and Swap. "/" was set to about 40 GB which I hope is enough. "/swap" is about 2 GB at the end of the drive. The rest, about 740 GB is now set for "/home". This is the first time I figured out how to make the "/" OS system and the "/home" in different partitions.

I do not know how many times the system would only boot to Win10. I did not lose much data as the last time. Most of the files were copied to the 6TB "storage" desktop.


I would like help trying to stop this issue now. Since I do not have the same problem[s] with my Gateway NE56R12u, I think it might be the ASUS laptop or the fact it has a 1 TB drive instead of 500 GB on this Gateway - which I am typing from the Ubuntu partition.

Anyone who can help, you can use either this address or email address.


well, it is past midnight and I have still an hour or two to get both Windows 10 and Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 LTS set up enough that I can transfer the files/data to the partitions. Right now, Windows 10 is running and I added only the printers and Firefox browser to it. Ubuntu is installing the basic packages I need to run, but I will wait till I get some sleep to install the printers and the large list of packages including a much newer version of LibreOffice.

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