On 15/08/17 16:17, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
The real problem was/is the fact that after Windows 10 updates itself
and then changes the BIOS to remove the boot order. Also it damage the
GRUB boot software.
Yes - I've had that problem on a dual boot desktop : W7 (later upgraded
to W10) and Ubuntu1604 with each OS on its own hard disk.
The problem with cohabitation involving Windows is that the linux boot
has to be on the Windows disk. I had my default boot set to linux where
I do most of my work.
Quite often, when I went into Windows for the odd task, I would get
involved with Windows' automatic updates. These would drive me mad. I am
not opposed to automatic updates but Windows applies them at the end of
a session and they frequently need a reboot in mid update, if not a
couple of reboots. If I was not keeping a sharp eye for the reboot, the
desk top would end up back in linux. Unfortunately, next time I needed
Windows in a hurry, I would boot into the middle of an update and that
could cost me another 10 minutes of lost time waiting for it to complete.
Linux carries out its update installation in the background, very
unobtrusively. It seldom needs a reboot after update, generally only
when the kernel is updated and even then you can do it at your convenience.
Eventually, the boot sector on my Windows disk started playing up and
went bad. The best solution, I found, was to put the new Windows disk
into another machine. Repair the linux disk so that it had its own boot
sector. That way, with 2 computers quite independent, less time is lost
and Windows 10 now has a clean installation and is much faster at
starting up than the upgraded Windows 7 was.
My 2 cents worth,
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