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On 08/14/2017 08:49 AM, James Knott wrote:
On 08/14/2017 12:16 AM, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
Windows updated itself to a newer version of Windows 10.  That, again,
dumped the GRUB system to be able to boot to Ubuntu-MATE 16.04LTS.  I
have been trying to get it working for over 14 hours.
I use a bootable System Rescue USB pen drive and run fdisk to change the
bootable partition.
The ASUS laptop has more trouble allowing USB booting than it does to get the CD/DVD drive to boot.

This laptop is the only one that has this constant problem and needs specific arrangement of partition types to get it working. I think it may be both the laptop BIOS and the 1 TB drive. The laptop I use for emailing is the next largest drive - 500 GB, and does not give me little issues in this department.

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