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On 08/15/2017 12:36 AM, gordon cooper wrote:

Not sure if this would help on Win 10, but maybe worth a
try.  I gave up on new MS versions not long after XP,  but still
work on a few multi-boot systems and run into Grub issues.

The cure used here is to set up and adjust partitions with
Gparted (on a CD) , then run Puppy Linux (also on a CD) to remake
Grub with the  grub4dos utility. Has the advantage that the
resultant Grub menu is much more readable.

If the Windows partition size needs to be changed, then Defrag
is run before Gparted.


The real problem was/is the fact that after Windows 10 updates itself and then changes the BIOS to remove the boot order. Also it damage the GRUB boot software.

Yes, Gparted is a nice utility. I have used it before and may use it again to tweak the partition size for Windows. 250 GB is more than I need for it. The file explorer in Windows 10 shows the size is 232 GB and currently 199 GB free space. On my oldest laptop had only a 256 GB internal drive, which I partitioned for dual booting with Win10 and Ubuntu. This 500 GB laptop [using now] is my default laptop since I have so much issues with the 17 inch / 1 TB one.

Last night I installed LibreOffice on Ubuntu, along with drivers for the printers and other software I use most often.

Right now I am scanning Windows 10 for any nasties that might have crept into Windows during the installs. That laptop's 4 cores are running too hot. I had to pause the scan since one core went to 199 degrees and the other 3 was over 185 degrees. This is why I sent it to the Warranty repair service and they told me that the fan and heat sink were replaced. The funny thing - sort of - is that Ubuntu runs much cooler than Win10 on that laptop.

I hope I will not have as much problems in the future.

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