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On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Philip Jackson wrote:


It would be nice if I could just create a VB machine and tell it to load
the hard disk which already has the workable installation of Windows 10,
together with the couple of applications I use from time to time.
I know, I know.

I suspect it's not possible. when I get some more time maybe tonight I'll dig around more earnestly.
By the way, Felmon, why did you reject the distro version of VB and make
a direct download from Oracle ?
I kept getting errors having to do with missing modules (vboxdrv) and 
looking around I saw others having the same problem. landed on some 
posts about using Oracle's so purged the repository stuff and Oracle 
installed pretty much without a problem (except some errors of 
misunderstanding on my part).
not being used to it everytime I see it, it's a shock - Windows 7 in a 
tiny little window on a Debian desktop!

Felmon Davis

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                -- Andrew Young

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