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On 12/8/2016 6:22 PM, <> wrote:
On 12/08/2016 11:12 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 12/7/2016 2:26 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
Forth, To be honest, using a Live CD/DVD to boot up the infected Windows
systems, I have found that I do not have the extensive list of cleaning
packages under Linux as I do with Windows.

Get/find/make a better live CD/DVD?

The kicker is finding all of the tools within Linux [Ubuntu] to do all 
of the cleaning that I do on a Windows system.

Why? There are Windows boot CD/DVD tools you can create yourself too
(ever heard of Windows PE?).


A lot of anti-virus and other security/cleaning products seem not to be 
available for Linux users.  On my desktop, that is now just a "file 
server", I have Comodo's version for Linux. That is the only package - 
of that type - that I use to keep my Windows systems [ Comodo Internet 
Suite for Windows ]. There are a lot more security/cleaning packages 
that I add to it when going through a system, drive, or even a file.  
That is one reason I have a lot of CPU speed reduced for my work on 
Win10 systems. I make sure there is a 99.99% chance of nothing getting 
past my security setup.

99.99% of security is simple common sense, and no software can
substitute for common sense.

I can use a Windows computer on the internet (behind a simple firewall
of course) without any security software whatsoever, and as long as I
don't get careless or sloppy, can remain infection free.

I use ESET to hopefully save me from myself if/when I were to get careless.

So, loading your system down with lots of 'security software' that
significantly slows your computer down is not smart.

I do have a Live CD for fixing the GRUB issues that installing a new 
version of Windows causes.

Wouldn't be a problem if it was virtualized.

I have a Live CD/DVD that has some very basic cleaning software on a 
dedicated Linux disk.  Most time, the systems I am asked to fix need 
more fixes than that Live media has options for. Most time these systems 
cannot update or run the Windows security software.

Which is why you should also create a custom Windows PE boot DVD with
your preferred tools.

Here is something I use (among others), it may give you some ideas:

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