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Bo Siltberg schreef op 01-06-2016 19:46:
If you lose work because of limited undo then there is something wrong with
your method of working.
Anyhow, go into *Options -> LibreOffice -> Memory* and raise the *Undo
number of steps*.

I think people have a right to their own way of working, and you don't have a say in that.

You allusion that the feature is unnecessary for anything real not only decides what other people should do or not do, but clearly also states that the ones who have implemented it in the first place, or those who have come before and have created such features for as long as computers exist, must clearly be in the wrong and now you know the real truth, because it doesn't exist in LibreOffice, so that must be right.


Common sense is clearly defunct here again.

Your argument has the form of "It doesn't exist now, so you don't really need it" as if the past choices of developers are always right, and current complaints, never are.

And your statement really comes down to what they call bigotry, sorry to say so. You basically say that, because some developer has not sought fit to create it, and developers are the authority in all things, and more bright than you and me combined, it must follow that there is then also not a need for it.

This is not logic, but it is dependence on some authority that is always right, no matter what. It is bigotry and depending on and believing in the infallibility of some historical authority much like people believed the Bible was always right and if it wasn't in the bible, it isn't so.

Now you say "It is not in the product, so you don't need it".

Regardless of that fact that pretty much every other product, that are usually not even word processors, always do.

LibreOffice stands alone in this, completely. Speak to me of your common sense, again.

Also there is not actually any such option in the version I use.

I could screenshot it, but yeah, it's not there in 5.1.2, of the Ubuntu version I am using that comes with 16.04.


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