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On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:
Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held faith.
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean another's
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny; other times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines about his Muslim faith, also informative but also having nothing to do with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.


a Christian who loves Muslims

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