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On 01/21/2016 09:12 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Of course even from these users we (the LibreOffice project) really need folks to install the developmental and pre-releases, in parallel of course [1], both to see emerging features (or regressions) but more importantly to provide feed back to the design, development and QA process. That is an aspect of care and feeding a FOSS project that users should not abdicate. LibreOffice is a great project, please participate.

At the risk of sounding like a whiner, I recently tried to participate by reporting a bug in LO's outline numbering system (bug 96733). The triage volunteer didn't think much of my bug report and first offered a solution. When I suggested that the proffered solution didn't work, he responded that I shouldn't confuse my desires with what is correct (both of which are accomplished with LaTeX). As a result, for certain outlining work, I'm forced to use LaTeX when I would prefer to use LO, which unfortunately doesn't work either correctly or as desired. When attempts to participate are rebuffed, it doesn't encourage further participation.

Again, I apologize for my whining. I realize not everyone shares my priorities.


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