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On 01/21/2016 06:43 AM, Pedro wrote:
Returning to the subject I believe it would be useful to find out what is making people stick to older (and in particular discontinued) versions. If it is because the new features in new versions are not useful to them but the version they use fulfills all their needs, then it is fine. But if the cause are regressions then it is something to worry about. Just my 2 cents.
I'm currently using LO I recently tried LO 5.0.x (can't 
remember the third digit). I suffered daily crashes with it, usually 
when trying to open or save documents. I went back to 4.
I was recently thinking that my old OOo 3.2 did everything I ever needed 
in an office suite. (I use writer 95% of the time, Calc 4%, and Base 
once a year when I create a mailing list for my Christmas cards). I have 
upgraded through the LO chain of versions mostly because they were 
available. However, aside from better support for Graphite fonts like 
Linux Libertine G, my LO 4 does little (for me at least) that my OOo 3.2 
didn't do. For my work, OOo 3.2 was just as stable, if not more so, than 
LO 4 (and *much* more stable than LO 5). I long ago gave up trying to 
get OOo, or LO, or AOO to properly read and write MS Word documents, or 
to have Word properly read and write .odt documents. Something is 
*always* lost in translation and I only ever expect a close 
approximation, which LO 4 gives me.
And there have been some changes along the way that I have definitely 
not liked, such as the changes to the Templates dialog boxes (totally 
unnecessary in my opinion) and the new multi-functional sidebar. At 
least on my machine, (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) the sidebar defaults to a 
Properties box, which I *never* use, and I have to manually switch to my 
Styles box. I have tried everything to change the default box in the 
sidebar to Styles but no avail.
All this to say that I'll continue to use LO 4 until it no longer 
performs my work. Then I'll upgrade to the most stable of the "still" 
versions available at that time. Who knows, by then it could be LO 
6.x.5. But, my days of trying a newer version simply because it's 
available are over.

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