Hi :)
Wow!! Please can you post a bug-report about this!
There is a collection of quite ancient but extremely rare bugs that have
this effect. It has been a nightmare trying to get conditions exactly
'right' to make any of these bugs appear in any consistent way. It's like
chasing phantoms in heavy fog, at night. Problem is that there's more than
1 phantom so when trying to chase down one another skips across your path
distracting you and allowing both to escape. If one example of the bug can
be reproduced reliably then it tends to be fairly easy for the devs to find
and fix it.
The problem is that even something simple like closing and reopening LO or
rebooting the machine often chases the bug away for a while. A couple of
years ago the Docs Team managed to trick one of the bugs out into the open
so that a given set of conditions was guaranteed to produce the bug. The
devs then fixed it within days. Since then only 1 phantom appeared and
that was about a year ago and it managed to escape back into the fog.
At one point the Docs Team started to try to keep copies of all
screen-shots in a separate folder so that when the images magically all
vanished it was fairly easy to replace them. Sadly even older copies and
back-ups of an affected file seemed to magically lose images.
Also there were attempts to rename the file-ending from ".odt" to ".zip"
but the images folder in there was also mysteriously empty, even in the
older or back-up versions!
So, if you CAN reliably re-create a set of conditions where images have the
"read error" then pleeeeease post a bug-report!
Regards from
Tom :)
On 3 November 2014 00:54, Steve Edmonds <steve.edmonds@ptglobal.com> wrote:
On 2014-02-27 16:43, Dale Rebgetz wrote:
There is a 10 MB file size limit, which my book exceeds due to the
included pictures.
Thomas, beginning with LibreOffice 4.1 there is a new feature where if
you right-click on an image in your document you will see the option
"Compress Graphic...".
This opens a dialogue box where you are provided with information about
that image (including its current size), proposed compression settings,
and a Calculate button to see the new size of that image if you were to
accept those settings.
I have not found a way to do this on all the images at once.
Because the changes are permanent, I suggest you *first* save a copy of
the original (large) document. That way you can try again if you
compress the images too much and loose too much image quality.
I just found a bug in my 4.1.6 using this. If I compress (resize) any
images by this method I start to get read-error for other images and
they are lost from the document.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Compress images (continued)
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