Hi :)
That is the sort of argument MANY on this Mailing List agree with. Please
take it to the Discus Mailing List and maybe the social networking channels
if you really want to get heard but it's going to make you unpopular. I am
on fairly permanent moderation due to daring to say such things.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)
On 29 September 2014 03:01, alphacrash <v837502@att.net> wrote:
Florian Reisinger wrote
Hi,The problem we have: We do not have one release branch as Firefox has,
we have two... Users should use and find bugs on the "Fresh" version in
order to make thee fresh, which will be renamed to stable after 6M.So how
to say "you can use the feature packed fresh"? It is not an RC it is an
tested final release....So yes, we have a different model, so we need
different names then the standard :)
Two suggestions:1. Do not use misrepresentation through soft or ambiguous
language <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTzZaev8bmM> in order to
deliberately misdirect users to download the unstable branch. This is NOT
how to garner good will. Use plain simple language like Debian's: Testing,
Unstable, Stable, Old Stable.2. Instead of trying to misdirect people to
the Unstable version, *make it easy for people to use both the unstable and
the stable version AT THE SAME TIME*. Right now your Unstable base
consists of two groups: the Willing and those that have been Misled into
using it.Normal end users might be willing to use the Unstable branch if
they KNEW they could just click on the Stable branch icon and work in that
if something crashed and they needed to get work done. Read that: time
constraints. Regards.
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