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On 04/09/2014 05:31 PM, CVAlkan wrote:
I'm using the following:
64 bit Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS
LibreOffice Version: Build ID:
   (This is required because of some bugs in 4.2 and below that affect me)
HP OfficeJet 6700 (w/Dual sided printing set as default)
CUPS 1.5.3
HP-LIP 3.14.4

When printing a single page in LibreOffice apps, using the Operating System
printing dialogs, the following is true:

a) I'm unable to select "current page" on the General tab, but must enter a
specific page number under "Pages."
b) I am able to select "one-sided" on the Layout tab. (Proper behavior)
c) I've tested this in Writer, Draw and Impress. The labelling is somewhat
inconsistent, but they all act the same. I didn't attempt to use Calc just
because I got tired of experimenting.
d) Even so, once the single page is printed, the paper is "sucked back in"
and fed through a second time. Nothing prints of course, but this is
actually a potentially serious problem under some conditions which I'll
explain momentarily.
e) Of importance, I think, is the fact that the left margin (on a landscape
page - obviously this would be the top margin on a portrait page) is larger
than it would typically be for a single sided page. Many printers I've had,
including the current HP-6700 need to "reserve" some space (I guess to grab
the paper) when printing double-sided. This belief by the printer that it is
*supposed* to be printing in double sided mode might help to narrow down
where the difficulty is.

When printing a single page in LibreOffice apps, using the LibreOffice
printing dialogs, the following is true:
a) I AM able to select "current page" and, in fact, the current page (or
slide) number is entered in the box for me. (Proper behavior)
b) The Properties tab seems to "hang" while loading (mostly just the outline
of the new sub-dialog box is displayed), although I've found that if you
click the mouse somewhere on the header, it immediately appears completely.
c) Attempting to select "off" under the Duplex options (i.e. single sided)
causes blinking and flashing that's hard to describe, but I've very rarely
been able to select "off" using the mouse as the cursor/highlight just keeps
bouncing around. If, however, I just use the arrow keys, everything works.
Luckily I'm old enough to remember what the keyboard is for.
d) When the single page is printed, the printer does not attempt to suck the
paper back in. (Proper behavior)
e) On identical pages, using the LibreOffice dialogs permits the entire
content to be printed without cutting off the left edge of the landscape
pages. (Proper behavior)

The reason this is more important than the extra three second or so return
trip through the paper flipper is that Hewlett-Packard (and other printer
manufacturers) do not recommend using double sided printing when using stock
above a certain thickness (e.g. card stock) because doing so raises the
likelihood of jamming the mechanism. With a default setting of double sided
(and why else would I have purchased a double sided printer?), when I need
to print on card stock, the chances of forgetting to set one-sided would be
my fault, but if I set it and the driver ignores that setting, that (I
believe) is a bug.

It would seem that simply using only the LibreOffice dialogs would be a
reasonable work-around, the flashing and needing to move between the mouse
and keyboard unneccesarily is just trading one annoyance for another.

To be fair, this problem might appear as if it could be caused by Ubuntu,
CUPS, HP-LIP, or LibreOffice, but I believe I've narrowed it down to
LibreOffice simply because I don't experience these problems when printing
from several other applications I regularly use. But I acknowledge that it
might be caused by some weird interactions among the aforementioned

So, should this be reported as a bug? Has anyone else noticed this behavior?
And if it seems like a bug, how do I report it?

Any comments or suggestions would be welcome.

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Nice long description.

First I have a HP 2300dn laser printer. Use to run Ubuntu 12.04/MATE and now testing Linux Mint 16/MATE.

Yes, there is a page "weight" and "stiffness" requirement for reducing jamming of the paper. Sometimes my printer jams when printing the second or third sheet of duplexing. Some printer tell you to be careful with pre-punched paper [i.e. the 3 binder holes are already punched out for your convince]. I have some of that paper myself. It is even a lighter weight that the "standard stock" paper.

My Epson inkjet printer has major duplexing issues with LO till I upgraded the OS to 12.04. There is some issues with some printers. For some reason, LO page printing controls do not get passed "correctly" to the Linux printer driver when it does fine with Windows. IT was mostly the printer driver issue for me.

When was the last time you updated the HPLIP setup. I know that Ubuntu 12.xx does not have the latest that you can find on the HP Linux driver page. You have to download and run a .sh script that "makes" the proper driver setup for your install of Linux. There is complete instructions on how to do this on the site. That helped a lot with some issues I had in the past with lack of certain printer controls in Linux that were there using Windows.

Here is the page to start downloading the file. You need to fill out the info. The current version is HPLIP 3.14.4.

Here is the instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 installation of the .sh file

ALSO, sometimes the printer issues creep up as a corruption in the user config file/folder. I tend to rename it and allow LO to rebuild a fresh one, like it does with a new "clean" install. Sometimes the printer controls for Linux printer drivers get "stuck" and cannot be changed to a new value, for some reason I never figured out.

The Duplexing of a sheet that has only one page seems "normal" to me. If you set the printer to duplex a document while printing, no matter if it is a single page or some other odd page number [3,5,7,9, etc.], the sheet that has only one page or printed side will be duplexed. Since I take it that your printer prints out the sheets face down, that is what my HP laser printer does. Also, that is what my Canon inkjet printers do. This is normal for LibreOffice, for the Document Viewer, or any other package that produces multi-page documents.

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