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On 11/26/2013 05:55 PM, Pedro wrote:
Hi Thomas

Toppa-2 wrote
When LibreOffice was established after OpenOffice were taken over and
now seems to be semi-commercial, I sold my soul willingly to the LO devil.
I prefer(ed) to stay with the rebels fighting for freedom ("Libre").
Yet I have run several times into situations where I was/am under the
impression the devil is not keeping its part of the deal.
Actually the concept here is that if you use Open Documents you are free to
use whatever software you like the best. Unlike MS documents that lock you
to a single provider (and sometimes even to a single version) with ODT
files, you are free to switch to any editor that you find more

Toppa-2 wrote
For example, in this particular case, why does the "web layout" works
just fine with OpenOffice but not with Libreoffice.
Switching between these two applications does not change any settings in
my computer - I think. Or does it?
The two suites are taking different approaches: OpenOffice is more
conservative and probably more stable but has less features; LibreOffice is
moving forward faster at the price of some loss in stability.

Toppa-2 wrote
I could try upgrade to version 4 something, but after I tried that
before, I found that the "improvements" made things a lot worse for me and
deliberately went back to 3.6.6.
I would recommend trying the portable version of build 4.1.3 from winPenPack

You just need to download it and extract the contents to any folder or
drive. Then just execute the file X-LibreOffice.exe
This will NOT affect your installed version in any way.

If it is suits your needs (and fixes some of the problems) you can download
the latest version of the installer from TDF and update your installed
version. If not, just delete the folder containing the portable version.

In any case if OpenOffice works as you expect, why do you avoid using it?


+1 about using ODF formats.

Vendor lock in is a nasty problem. Many users who have been using computers for 15+ years probably have numerous files in older proprietary formats that are unreadable with current software.
Jay Lozier

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