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Hi :)  
Well, something similar.  

Sometimes an entire branch goes by without my having installed and used any in it.  The 3.4.x and 
3.6.x passed me by almost completely.  I keep meaning to join in with QA early in a branch's 
release-cycle but typically end up installing about half-way through.  Usually around the x.x.4 
which is typically where it becomes a lot more stable.  Somewhat unusually I managed to get the 
4.0.1 onto all the machines at work but that was very exceptional.  

I suspect the 4.1.0 is going to be very stable too as a lot of people have done a lot of great work 
in the QA competition that is still going on.  

Debian make the mistake of having only their old versions declared officially stable.  Some other 
projects do  something similar.  It makes them feel old and stale.  Ubuntu put extra effort into a 
big new "LTS" release every 2 years and makes sure there is always plenty of exciting new features, 
ultra latest versions of programs and some complete overhaul of something.  Then for 3 years (now 
5) afterwards they ensure that all bug-patches, fixes and security updates are back-ported to the 
LTSes.  It gives corporate users confidence in the system.  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Virgil Arrington <>
Sent: Thursday, 27 June 2013, 1:45
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: any word about 4.0.4 portable coming out?

This question makes me wonder, just why there are so many LO versions and 
frequent new releases. I can't keep up, and I find myself torn about 
upgrading. I want the latest and greatest, but I've had problems with newer 
versions resurrecting old bugs.

I'm sure there's an overriding philosophy that has been adopted, but I 
wonder if we might be better served with fewer new releases.

Apache seems to have taken quite the opposite approach with no new releases 
of AOO since its 3.4.1. Perhaps something somewhere between the two extremes 
might be nice.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Kracked_P_P---webmaster
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: any word about 4.0.4 portable coming 

Well, I do not really agree with the "bad deal".

They need to spend their time "converting" the Windows version to the
"portable" version.  It takes some time.  So they pick and choose which
version they will send their time on.  LO 3.6.7 comes out soon, but they
will not make that version, since the 4.0.x line is out.  When 4.1.x
line comes out, they will be moving to that and not work any more on the
previous line.

Sure, there are other "portable" software groups, but I only have dealt
with the PortableApps group, since TDF deals with them.  If another
group starts making a good version for LO, then maybe the Board might
want to look at them as well.  For me, I just go with the current
version that TDF/LO are listing on the download pages.

Why would you want to run a portable version of LO when you have one

As for versions that are optimized for slower systems, well anyone who
can deal with the compile/make process from the source code to binaries,
can do some basic optimizing to a specific system. Sometimes it take a
lot more.  Raspberry Pi developers have optimized LO to run better on
their system than the "standard" 32-bit Debian install.

If you really think that TDF should look at the other portable app
groups, then you need to bring it up to one of the Board members - and
off the User list.  These types of discussions work best on the Discuss
List or some other list instead of the User list.

On 06/26/2013 06:52 PM, Pedro wrote:
Hi Tim, all

In my opinion TDF got a bad deal with the PortableApps people...

They only create the versions they feel like and they drop a branch the
minute a new release is out from a newer branch. Even worse: they don't
listen to requests (maybe they don't have the manpower but they aren't
interested in voluntaries either...).

The guys at WinPenPack create a new portable versions at the same pace as
the regular LO. And they missed version 3.6.6 but listened to my request 
their Forum.

For someone working on QA it is essential to have the final version on 
branch. WinPenPack has all of them.

Another advantage is that you can run all versions simultaneously (if you
wish). The PortableApps version can not be executed while the installed
version is running (I can't remember if it even runs when another portable
version is running).

Finally the WinPenPack binaries seem to be somewhat optimized because they
run faster on slow computers (like my netbook).

Conclusion: I highly recommend X-LibreOffice ;)

BTW X-LibreOffice version 4.0.4 is available since June 19th...

Just my 2 cents ;)

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