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Hi Tom, all

Tom wrote
That is why i suggest the approach of letting fast paced development
continue as it is and having a series of separate releases, perhaps once
every 2 years or so, with only security-patches and bug-patches being

However the idea has been dismissed by the BoD as being unfeasible.  I am
not quite sure how Ubuntu manages to do it if it can't be done. 
Because Ubuntu has Mark Shuttleworth's big pockets behind it. If you pay
developers to back-port fixes it works. However if you rely on developers
that work on whatever they find interesting then it is hard to convince them
that back-porting is fun...

Tom wrote
Of course there is another way to view this.  If you see AOO as being the
LTS version of LibreOffice then we have it covered already.  
AOO still has so many bugs that were already solved in LO and has so many
new LO features missing that loading yesterday's AOO daily build felt like
going back in time...


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