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At 21:16 26/06/2013 -0400, William Drago wrote:
What I'm being asked to do is pretty close to the latest format from MLA. The only difference is that outside the margin thing. I don't know where that's from, but that's what I have to do.

If I can't get styles to work, I'll try your technique.

Actually, Regina Henschel's answer, sent after mine, is (not unusually) better than mine.
o Leave your main text alone, set up as you normally would.
o Create a header.
o Right-click in the header and select Edit Paragraph Style... | Indents & Spacing and set a suitable negative value for "After text". o Enter your header text and set it Align Right: it will spill over outside the page margins.

Remember that your page margins need to be sufficiently narrow that the outdented header text is still within your (or your examiner's) printer's actual capabilities.

Brian Barker

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