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On 2012-11-23 3:07 PM webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
A poster has stated that there may be problems with the Canadian dictionary. Something about some specific word spellings that they do not think is "pure" Canadian words, but American word spellings. For my part, I did not choose the words in each of the set of word lists. What I can say is that the words for the Canadian dictionary has come from sources that state that the words are Canadian words. The British and American words are from word lists that come from lists stating that these are British words and American words.

I never used the word "pure". I am referring to the standard Canadian spelling, not the alternate spellings some people may use. A spell checker is only of use if it gives the standard spelling for a word. Having many different spellings of a word indicated as correct renders it useless as a spell checker.

You need better sources.

I am not a authority in what is the differences between each of the versions of the English language. So, I look to other groups and organizations that know much more about these things than I do. If someone does not like the spelling words I use, please take my dictionaries and edit out the words they thing that are not words that are not "pure" English for their version of the language.

If you do not know what the standard spelling is for a version of English you have no business putting out a spell checker for that version.

Are you seriously suggesting that I go through 674,277 words and correct their spelling? That is what I use a spell checker for, and for doing that yours is useless

NO, I will not give out my resources or places where I get my word lists. Everyone can find my sources, if they look for them. They seem to have new ones every year or two, or so I have seen.

Since you do not give credit to your sources you are guilty of plagiarism.


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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