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Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Eps?? Are you sure? I seem to have trouble with my Epses but that is probably either my fault or some weirdness of the program producing the Eps (i think Adobe Creative something, an expensive product that tries to force other people into buying it.) So, is there somewhere i can test an Eps to see how well it conforms to what it should be? Regards from Tom :)
Tom et. al.,
Beware of inserting EPS images into a document! I was composing a document with many images that I scanned in and used EPS because the resulting files were smaller than Jpeg or PNG. As I was inserting the EPS images, scrolling through these images got slower and slower. It finally got unbearable and I was still not finished inserting images. It seemed like the LO EPS renderer was inefficient or the file format was inefficient and took a lot of system resources to render the images. I tried increasing the LO graphics RAM allocation, but that did not help. I finally switched to Jpeg versions and as I replaced the EPS images with the Jpeg equivalents, scrolling through the document got faster and faster.
Girvin Herr

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