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Hi :)
If this problem occurs then it's usually easy to fix by un-installing OpenOffice or previous 
versions of LibreOffice.  There are some other Office Suites that are also based on the OpenOffice 
code but they are much rarer, for example IBM's Lotus Symphony.  

There is a guide to have multiple versions of the code-base running at the same time on the same 
machine.  This guide specifically talks about previous versions of LibreOffice but can be adapted 
for other Office Suites such as OpenOffice

Judy seems to be having a unique problem so it might be worth her writing a bug-report about it.  
Either of these guides might help her do that
She has apparently already tried using 3rd party tools such as
top make sure there are no previous versions of the code-base on her machine.  She has also tried 
previous releases of LibreOffice such as the much more stable 3.4.5 instead of the 3.5.0 which 
people sometimes have weird problems with.  The 3.5.0 is the first in it's branch and the 3.5.1 is 
the equivalent of the release with the first "Service pack" so it should be a lot better.  

Franks has not made any posts since his initial question so he has either fixed it or given up or 
just ignoring the lists responses for some reason.  So, you are unlikely to get a response from 
him.  Always worth a try tho!

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sat, 10/3/12, 5george1 <> wrote:

From: 5george1 <>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Can't install LibreOffice
Date: Saturday, 10 March, 2012, 10:46

Hi Frank,

I have exactly the same problem, although using windows 7. i also have Open
Office. Any replies yet?



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