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Hi Martin,

Martin Jungowski wrote (18-11-11 15:13)
Pedro, thank you. The problem is that as an enterprise that sees IT as
tertiary means of production (as opposed to technology-driven
enterprises such as Google or Microsoft) we're extremely conservative
when it comes to software.

Very understandable.

The latest and greatest is never our first choice, and features
are a distant fourth to stability, reliability, and dependability.

There also are quite some improvements in 3.4.x regarding stability, reliability, speed, interoperability. It's not at all only about features!

Right now I'm leaning towards the well-established and
therefore more stable 3.3 release tomsave myself the hassle of new
features and thus also new bugs.

There will be some new, but as explained most important have been solved.
And older ones have been solved.
This container issue tells about 3.4 fixes:

Is there a simple comparison between 3.3 and 3.4 that shows what 3.4 is
capable of that 3.3 isn't? Maybe there's something we really need but
don't know yet.

Well, the pages that Pedro pointed to.

Something that'd be worth the extra work and effort
necessary to deploy 3.4 instead of 3.3?

The whole point in a relatively long support for 3.3.x, is that we do not want to force companies to change to a new minor version fast. Therefore the bug fix releases were made.

But when you start now, it will be just as easy to start with 3.4.x.
And in a month or two, there will be the 3.4.5

Right now it's more like a
clusterf*ck of two separate feature sets with no easy way of comparison.

What might be very advisable, if you work for a company, is to consider a support contract. That will provide you with the certainty of attention for your needs, and thus when relevant needed fixes. On the other side for a amount of money that is very modest compared to the other choice, you will add value to the future, this sustainability and improvement of the software of your choice :-)

Kind regards,

 - Cor

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