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On 10/20/2011 05:21 PM, Macho Philipovich wrote:
Responding to Tim, NoOp, and Kracked Press all at once to minimize the
number of emails.

Unfortunately that tends to complicate issues...

On 11-10-20 07:24 PM, NoOp wrote:
... How was the document created?

I couldn't say, I wasn't the one who created it, and don't have direct
access to that person. I can only assume Word...?

So let's do the guessing game... 1) is it an .odt, 2) .doc, 3) .docx, 4

  You my want to export your doc to a pdf and then look at the
File|Properties|Fonts and see what they are. 

I did this and get: DejaVuSans, Georgia, TimesNewRomanPSMT,
TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT, Georgia-Bold, DejaVuSans-Bold.

I'm not too sure what to do with this information, though, I admit...?

That at least indicates that it does have Georgia and Georgia-Bold. My
guess would be that it also has other fonts in it that you do not have
installed (hence the DejaVuSans-Bold).

If you can share the document I'd be happy to take a look at it off-list
& will keep the info/doc private. If so, just send me a copy directly &
ensure that you have 'Font mishap' in the Subject so that I don't drop
the email as spam. I can check in Ubuntu & Windows tomorrow.

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