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It push comes to shove, I bet you can get TTF copies of the different Georgia fonts that are needed, then install them by the double click method. They should be the ones your system uses, since they are the newest ones. My LO seems to use them and they are listed in my .fonts folder. I do not remember if I installed the MS core font .deb package.
I myself have
Georgia Bold.ttf
Georgia Bold Italic.ttf
Georgia Italic.ttf
Georgia Ref.ttf
plus some of those in opentype fonts as well.

As for Tahoma, I have it in "regular", "bold", and "small cap bold".

Actually one of the most "universial" fonts is Arial Unicode. It is the Unicode font that seems to have the most glyphs in it, and the largest size, 23 MB, as far as I am concerned.

On 10/20/2011 04:06 PM, Macho Philipovich wrote:
On 11-10-20 08:00 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
I would try a reboot even if not using Windows, just for old times sake.
No effect.

Have you had a look in

Tools - Options - LibreOffice/General - Fonts

to see if it's in there or is that where it's not appearing?
Not until now. The translation table was empty, so I added an entry
translating "Georgia Italic" to "Georgia" which does work, but I don't
see any way to apply italics to the target font, so using it would mean
bold and italic text would be identical to the regular text, which is
perhaps even worse than having it in the wrong font altogether.

Thanks again for the help. Let me know if any other ideas come to mind


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